Tecfuge Business Solutions

Google Algorithim Core Web Vitals - Largest Contentful Painting

Google web core vitals are used to measure the user experience of that page.

Types of Web Core Vitals

Here we are discussing how to enhance the user experience of your website by using the web core vitals. There are three types of cores and four types of non-web core vitals present in Google. The web core vitals are respectively, the first one is Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), the second one is First Input Delay (FID), and the last one is Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) and the non-web core vitals are, Total Blocking Time (TBT), First Contentful Paint (FCP), Speed Index (SI), Time To Interactive (TTO).

How Web core vitals improve User Experience?

The web core vitals are improving the user experience and also now it is the ranking factor for the google search. It began in June 2021 and hope to complete by the end of August. These web vitals are used mainly for some important factors. Google enhance the user experience based on whether the site is mobile-friendly, it will also offer you to browse other safe websites, definitely helpful of the HTTP, also free of instructive interstitials. And here comes the web vital that also increase the page experience by the core and non-web core vitals.

The web core vitals are user-facing metrics respective of speed and also give you visual stability to the website owners to measure the page experience. Everyone is fond of the easy and pleasant website. If it is easy to access and fast then it will make you can money in a short period.

Web vitals are an important topic for the SEO community right now. Just to focus on the searching behaviour and also on the page experience along with every user who is going to use that website, Google invent the web core vitals.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

LCP means the Largest Contentful Paint. The first and foremost core web is vital. It measures the time from the page start loading to the title of the first picture insert on the computer screen in seconds. The lower the LCP means the better experience for the user. The first opening of a page on google reassure that it has lower LCP. The field data and lab data are available in the LCP. New LCP candidates are stopped responding as the user is making a connection with the page in the field data and the lab data, it is not fully clear when the LCP is finished. By the time measuring not only it gives you the report of your page experience but also give the fastest user experience on the website another hand.

That will definitely give a huge engagement to your website. This is a very helpful factor for the website owner and the user who is going to experience the website by clicking on the link. Google is always up for the best experience as it is the most searched search engine nowadays.

For example, you will see that when you open a website then there is text is showing on the screen and then after loading the whole page you can see a logo or an image will insert in the very first place. That means you have known first which comes under the LCP candidates.

The logo or the image may not be under the LCP candidates that is the only reason they come late. If the website is taking less than 2.5 seconds then it is good, it is taking greater than 2.5 seconds but less than 4 seconds then it needs to improve for a better user experience and if it is taking more than 4 seconds then it is poor to give services.

Let us help you to achieve your optimum LCP, feel free to contact us.