Without a doubt, 2024 would be a year in which we narrow our emphasis. 

It will be a year unlike any other due to the difficulties and disruptions caused by the pandemic, political unrest, and economic instability. Businesses, however, cannot put off their 2024 planning while they wait to see how events pan out. Business executives must implement initiatives immediately if they want to expand and thrive. Also, marketing has a significant part to play. 

1. A strong and thorough planning  

From over past few years, the advertising business has placed a lot of emphasis on using more diverse creative. Media strategy now has to be included in this activity. It’s critical for individuals to witness this in settings that they are acquainted with as well as seeing and hearing others who look and sound like them. 

However, unconscious bias may prevent inclusive media planning. Marketers need to combat this issue and embrace the variety of information that their users consume in order to interact and connect with different audiences. 

This year, we witnessed brands like Domino’s and Diageo evaluate their media placement decisions critically and take action to expand the times they appeared in order to more effectively interact with their full audience. They achieved this by removing potential bias-containing term and topic exclusions and by aggressively investing in carefully chosen authoritative voices and outlets. 

Brands should review their marketing approach in 2024. Examine whether the combination of sources and channels reaches the entire target market and look for any potential biases in the keyword and subject exclusions. Additionally, think about how marginalized populations and voices might be really supported through affirmative action. 

2. Be purposeful in advertising  

People are prioritizing sustainability, and they want businesses to make choosing sustainably easier for them. Additionally, they anticipate organizations to make a bigger social effect than before and to follow through on their commitments. In response, we’re seen businesses shift their attention away from solely attempting to minimize their own impact on the environment and toward a more significant goal. They are becoming increasingly involved in order to draw attention to crucial issues and spur action. 

3. Prioritizing privacy 

Businesses will need to stand out in 2024 as businesses compete in a hazy market. To keep and attract customers, they will need to demonstrate their values. Online privacy is becoming more crucial than ever because individuals are managing more aspects of their daily life online. User trust is affected by privacy experiences. But we were shocked to see exactly how detrimental a poor online privacy experience might be. Customers consider poor privacy experiences to be almost as detrimental as data theft. 

People need to be treated with the privacy they deserve when engaging with brands online. Make sure you’re giving them what they require in 2024 to feel and be in charge of their data. People lose trust in digital marketing when they feel that they have no control over their data. Customers should have easy-to-use options at their disposal at all times to manage their privacy. 

4. Gen- Z 

The way that Gen Z uses the internet to browse and communicate with others is still changing as they are the initial generation to even have fully embraced it. The platforms that currently best serve this generation’s requirements, which are constantly changing, include those that are highly interactive and visual. By participating where it means to them most, Gen Z communicates where and how they want to interact.  

Instead of attempting to sway Gen Z audience in 2024, connect with them where they are. Recognize their unmet needs, give authenticity and relevance precedence over homogeneous singularity, and accept the diverse, visually rich worlds they occupy. 

5. Experiencing augmented reality  

Online sales soared throughout the pandemic. This makes it even more crucial for companies to be inventive in offline settings, as well as expected. The in-store consumer experience should offer special value in 2024. It’s crucial to promote offline activity in addition to internet purchases. 

To do this, immersive experiences like augmented reality (AR) are more important. The demand from consumers for unique experiences will also increase in 2023 as a result of the increased use of AR technologies. In fact, by 2025, it is expected that more than one quarter of Gen Z would be using AR to shop. 

Utilize your smartphone today to start developing and testing immersive experiences. When new AR hardware, like glasses, becomes more widely used, you would be one step ahead. 

6. Small yet valuable 

With varying expectations and demands for each type of viewing, people’s viewing behaviors are becoming more diverse. To satisfy the requirements of these viewers, several producers are experimenting with shorter form, “snackable” material. They are also having great success. Given that YouTube Shorts already has 1.5 billion users worldwide and receives and over 30 billion daily views, it presents a sizable market for advertising. 

Learn from the pioneering creators. These people are setting the standard by developing novel approaches to each video format in order to engage with their viewers in a real way. When producing short-form video content, it’s critical to use storytelling best practices. Videos, for instance, ought to begin with the action. There is no need to lay out a concept or establish a tale with a lot of extra information when there are only ten to sixty second of accessible ad time. 

Connect to Tecfuge Business Solutions to get your hands on best social media advertising you can get your hands on!